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Get up to £10,000 to make your home warm and energy-efficient this winter

Do you want to save money on your energy bills? The government is offering up to £10,000 to make your home more energy efficient with the new Green Homes Grant. If you qualify and are successful, you could get a voucher to make improvements that will:

  • save money on your bills
  • make your home more comfortable
  • help tackle climate change.
  • How does it work?

    If your household is on a low income you can apply for 100% of the cost of improvements, up to £10,000. All other homeowners and landlords can apply for up to two-thirds of the costs, receiving up to £5,000.

    For example, if you’re not on a low income and you install insulation costing £4,000, you will only pay £1,320. The government would pay the remaining £2,680.

    Not only could this save you hundreds of pounds per year on your energy bills, it will reduce your carbon footprint too and help in our efforts to combat the climate and ecological emergency.

    If you rent your home, energy efficiency improvements to your rented home could save you money on your bills. Please get in touch with your landlord about this opportunity.

    What’s included?

    Energy improvements for your home can include:

  • insulation for walls (solid or cavity), floors, and roofs
  • low-carbon, sustainable heating including heat pumps and solar thermal.
  • Once you’ve used part of your voucher on these improvements, you can use any left over for upgrading single glazed windows, energy efficient doors, or hot water tank thermostats and heating controls.

    How do I apply?

    For more details, and information on how to apply, visit the Simple Energy Advice website or call 0800 444 202.

    Why does it matter?

    More than 20% of Hammersmith & Fulham’s carbon emissions come from domestic heating. We can help stop this simply by making our homes better insulated and replacing gas boilers with sustainable alternatives.

    Posted on 9th October 2020

    by The H&F Climate Change Unit